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You Can Save Money on New Jersey Tuition


Updated: Feb 21, 2023

Get New Jersey In-State Tuition

One of the more affordable ways to get a bachelor’s degree typically is to attend an in-State public school. Here is a website with information about how to qualify as a New Jersey resident:

While in-State tuition for a public institution is not financial aid, it is subsidized. The cost of attending an in-State public institution should be compared against the cost of other institutions after financial aid awards are offered. Families often do not pay the sticker price.

New Jersey Need-Based Grants

New jersey provides the Garden State Guarantee, which promises need-based financial aid to students to limit what New Jersey students pay to attend New Jersey public, four-year institutions. Families with an income of no more than $65,000 will not have to pay any tuition or fees. Families with incomes between $65,001 and $80,000 will pay no more than $7,500. Please note that these costs do not include room and board. Information about the initiative can be found at:

The Tuition Aid Grant (TAG) program provides need-based financial aid for New Jersey students to attend eligible public (including county colleges) colleges or private colleges in New Jersey. The maximum award amounts for 2022-23 were:

County Colleges $2,924

State Colleges and Universities $8,960

Public Research Universities $10,344

Private Colleges and Universities $13,590

Applications for TAG are due by April 15, preceding the academic year for which the student wants the grant. For more information about the TAG program, please see:

Students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA ® to apply for a grant under this program. Students also have the option of completing the NJ Alternative Financial Aid Application if they qualify as a NJ Dreamer. Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress to remain eligible.

First- and second-year students may be eligible for the Community College Opportunity Grant. For more information, see:

New Jersey Student Loans

While student loans are not exactly financial aid, New Jersey offers NJCLASS loans at interest rates that may be preferable to Federal PLUS loans. These loans may be used for either undergraduate or graduate school. For more information, see: New Jersey residents may use these loans for approved schools that are either in- or out-of-State. In addition, out-of-State students may use these loans for approved schools in New Jersey.

New Jersey Merit-Based Financial Aid – NJ Stars

NJ Stars I & II provide merit-based aid for New Jersey students. Under NJ Stars I, students in the top 15 percent of their class in either their junior or senior year of high school may be eligible. NJ Stars I students are typically required to attend their home county colleges. Students apply through their home county colleges. For more information, please see:

NJ Stars II provides up to $1,250 per semester to NJ county college graduates with at least a 3.25 GPA who transfer to an eligible New Jersey four-year college, which includes private colleges. For more information, please see:

Educ8Fit Consulting

For more information about financial aid in general, please visit our website at Paying for College | Educ8Fit Consulting. For blog posts that summarize State-based financial aid programs in other States, please see: Please contact us at Educ8Fit Consulting at either or College Admission Counseling | Educ8fit Consulting | United States, contact for a free 30-minute consultation.

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