Teenagers sometimes have a general idea about what they want to do for a living, and other times they do not. If you do not know what you want to do for a living, you should consider taking a career assessment.

Career Interest Tests
You can take some career assessments for free online. Here is a link to one free career search website: O*NET Interest Profiler at My Next Move. When looking at the results of the career assessment, remember that you are the expert on you, the assessment is not the expert on you. If you think that the results do not make sense for you, check to see if there are related results that might make sense for you.
Online Career Information
If you want to read information about careers of interest, you can do that here: My Next Move, just type in a career of interest under “Search Careers with Key Words.” The website will provide information about knowledge, skills, abilities, personality, and technology tied to the profession. It also provides information about the education required and the job outlook for the career, including salary.
Career Clusters
Some careers, such as social media relations, have only started to exist in the past few years. The career or careers that are best for you after you graduate might not exist today. By keeping an open mind about what interests you and why, you can better apply the results of a career assessment. For example, a person who is interested in being able to persuade others as part of their living might be interested in careers involving either the legal profession or communications.
Majors and Careers
Sometimes the most obvious major is not necessarily the only major you can have in order to pursue a career effectively. For instance, if you are interested in working in the government or as an attorney, you do not have to major in political science. The government and law firms like to hire people with strong writing skills. A major in English is perfectly appropriate to pursue careers in government or as preparation for law school to become an attorney.
You Science and Educ8Fit Consulting
Educ8Fit Consulting offers career assessments to clients using You Science. You Science does not just look at what interests you, it also tests your aptitude for different careers. You can read more about career assessments on our website at this address: Career and Academic Exploration | Educ8Fit ConsultingMysite. To get ideas about how to network in order to research careers, please see my blog post: From Networking as a Student to Selecting a Career (educ8fit.com). For additional information about what schools might be a good fit for you or your child, please see our website at https://www.educ8fit.com. Please contact us at Educ8Fit Consulting at either Jim@Educ8Fit.com or College Admission Counseling | Educ8fit Consulting | United States, contact for a free consultation.